Sexual Rejuvenation



At The O Med Spa, your sexual health and optimization is our specialty.

We offer a selection of non-surgical, minimally invasive procedures to restore healthy collagen in the vagina, increasing tightness, lubrication and better orgasms. We speak openly and honestly about your most intimate issues. There’s never an embarrassing moment at The O Med Spa because women’s sexual optimization is what we do! Restoring your vaginal youth so you can have mind blowing sex is our objective!

Vaginal Tightening

Welcome to the premier women’s clinic for vaginal rejuvenation!

We offer a multitude of treatments to enhance both internal function and external appearance to give you better sex and the self-confidence you deserve in the bedroom, beach, etc. Aging, giving birth, and hormonal decline often leave the intimate area looser than it used to be. No woman is exempt from experiencing vaginal looseness, both inside and out. Not to fear, we are here to help you roll back the clock!

What is Vaginal Tightening?

With natural aging and childbirth, the walls of the vagina become weaker with less collagen, and reduced lubrication. This leads to less enjoyment during sex.

Our cutting edge, non-surgical feminine technologies help rebuild the collagen and tighten the walls of the vagina, as well as increasing lubrication through the increase in blood flow. This results in better sex! By strengthening the walls of the vagina and the supporting ligaments surrounding your bladder and urethra, our treatments will also reduce the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence.

At The O Med Spa, we realize that everyone is different so we offer several different technologies for treating vaginal looseness:

Femilift/Pixel CO2 Laser

The FemiLift/Pixel uses breakthrough CO2 laser technology to stimulate vaginal tissue which increases blood flow and tissue regeneration. Most important is the generation of new connective tissue, or collagen, that tones and strengthens the deeper walls of the vagina.

Viveve System

The Viveve System is a patented, cryogen-cooled, radiofrequency system that delivers painless stimulation into the walls of the vagina. The cryogen cooling protects the surface tissue from any damage and allows for greater penetration of the radiofrequency energy. The Viveve system also provides multi-use radiofrequency treatments to two different areas - the labia and the vaginal canal. Ask our medical staff about our non-surgical labioplasty with the Viveve to tighten and reduce wrinkles on the labia. The results are incredible!

What Happens During My Vaginal Tightening Procedure?

When you arrive at The O Med Spa, you will change into a comfortable gown, and lay back on our soft therapy table with feet in stirrups. Our experienced practitioner will insert the probe into your vagina approximately 2-3”. The probe will produce either a laser light (Femilift) or gentle radio frequency energy (Viveve), which cause micro-trauma to your vaginal walls. These minor “injuries” initiate your vagina to repair itself, and the surrounding tissues to regenerate. Through this natural cycle, your vagina is strengthened, tightened, through the abundance of collagen that is produced. The enhanced blood flow to this region also helps increase lubrication and sensation. Over the next several weeks following the procedure, you should notice an overall improvement in your sex life, and more intense orgasms! However, new collagen takes about three months to fully develop so you should continue to feel improvements over that time. Additionally, with the new tissue and stronger vaginal walls you should also experience better bladder control. The Femilift procedure typically lasts less than 15 minutes and is virtually painless with no downtime. The Viveve treatment lasts 30-45 minutes and is also painless. Both procedures are safe, effective and require no anesthesia.

What Do I Need to Do After my Vaginal Tightening Procedure?

After your procedure is performed, you can resume normal activities with no downtime. We only ask that you refrain from intercourse, sex toys, and tampons for 4 days.

Vaginal Steaming

What is Vaginal Steaming?

Vaginal steaming, or V-steam, is a natural remedy for cleansing the female reproductive organs, including the vagina, cervix, and the uterus, that has been around since ancient times. Our V-steam is a modernized version of the ancient practice. At The O Med Spa you will relax in a dimly lit room, similar to the environment during a massage, and then a therapeutic herbal blend including rosemary, chamomile, wormwood, mugwort, and basil is mixed with steam and directed towards your intimate area. At the end of your treatment an LED light is placed over your intimate area. Blue LED light has been shown to have antibacterial effects on odor-causing bacteria that exist on the vulva.

Come and relax and experience the soothing, therapeutic treatment of our vagina steaming! The treatment takes about an hour and helps cleanse the vagina, alleviate cramping, and rebalance hormone and energy levels. Clients have reported feeling empowered, invigorated, and rejuvenated after V-steaming sessions.

V-steaming has also been known to aid in the following:
  • Infertility - Enhancing Fertility
  • PCOS, fibroids and menopause
  • Detoxifying the uterus
  • Decreasing menstrual flow
  • Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles
  • Boosting immune & digestive health
  • Heals infections (bladder and yeast especially) and soothing inflammation
  • Balances your vaginal pH
  • Increases in libido as the heat increases blood flow to the vagina, as well as the clitoris
V-steams are not recommended for women that are currently:
  • Pregnant
  • Menstruating
  • Have an IUD
  • Have an active infection or open sores
  • Trying to conceive and should not steam between ovulation and their next menstruation in case they are pregnant

Vaginal Lightening

What is Vaginal Lightening?

Intimate area lightening, or “bleaching”, is the process of treating the darker skin of the surrounding genital and anal areas to restore a youthful appearance and create an even skin tone. Darkening of the skin in these regions as we age is completely normal and is the result of melanin, the pigment found in the skin. At the O Med Spa we use two effective methods for intimate lightening. Our medical staff uses the latest laser technology in a safe, effective and pain-free treatment that will reduce and eliminate darkened skin tone creating a more youthful appearance. Laser lightening is a much faster, but more expensive treatment. We also offer our advanced all-natural topical formula, which does not contain any harsh chemicals. Our non-irritating, intimate lightening treatment will help brighten and lighten intimate areas including anal, vaginal and genitals. Topical treatments are more gradual, but also less expensive. Both treatments are effective, it all depends on your time frame and budget. Further, if you need your knees, armpits or elbows lightened or have bothersome burn marks or scars, both of these treatments work for that too.

Intimate areas are typically covered by layers of clothes which significantly reduces the exposure to environmental elements. Additionally, there is close contact and friction with other areas of the body, which traps heat and can cause them to darken over time. Darkening occurs when a larger concentration of melanin forms as this is the primary component of human skin tone. Aging, hormonal depletion, and weight gain are also other contributing factors to darkening of the genital areas. Although it is completely natural with aging, many women don’t like the appearance because it stands out and makes them feel self-conscious in the bedroom.

Our medical staff will provide an initial consultation prior to examine your skin, discuss your goals, and review the different treatments to ensure you’re a good candidate.

Labial Puffing

Laxity and deflation of the labia majora are common occurrences in women as they age. Decreases in estrogen, child birth, and changes associated with menopause may contribute to ageing in this delicate area. The laxity and wrinkling can be addressed safely and in a non-invasive manner with our Labial puff treatment. Anti-aging treatments for women have become routine today and this even includes advanced aesthetic procedures for the genital area. Many women associate the droopy, less voluminous appearance of their labia with old age. We offer one of the newest procedures custom designed to address this issue is the “labial puff.” You can achieve volume enhancement in this intimate area without the need for surgery and the risks associated.

What is Labial Puffing?

Labial Puffing is a safe, natural, and non-invasive procedure that adds volume and plumpness to your labia majora (outer lips). Platelet rich plasma (PRP), derived from your own blood, is injected into the skin of the labia. The stem cells and growth factors in the PRP promote tissue regeneration and repair. PRP treatment in the labia causes loose, wrinkled and deflated skin and underlying soft tissue to become firmer, tighter and smoother in appearance.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet Rich Plasma is derived when a sample of your blood is drawn, placed in a centrifuge, and spun down to concentrate and isolate the platelets. The platelets in your blood are rich in stem cells and growth factors that are essential to tissue regeneration and healing. By concentrating the platelets and re-injecting them into specific areas of the body, we are able to significantly increase your own body’s ability to regenerate tissue faster and in a more robust extent. PRP has been used effectively in joints, facial treatments, vaginal rejuvenation, the O shot, etc. to help increase blood flow and sensitivity, and build soft tissues such as connective tissues, collagen, etc. PRP is your own body’s youthful, healing formula.

How is the Labial puffing treatment performed?

Labial puffing is a simple, non-surgical procedure. Your blood will be taken and spun to produce the PRP for injection. The labia are numbed using local anesthetic, and once numb, your PRP with be injected under the skin. Your body’s own PRP creates a gentle inflammatory response (with all the growth factors) over the 2-3 days. Tissue tightening and an increase in volume can be seen over the next several weeks and beyond. The benefits of the labial puff typical last 12-14 months, so we recommend a follow up treatment after 12 months.

What are the benefits of Labial puffing?

There are many primary and secondary benefits to labial puffing including:

  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Boosts volume
  • Enhances elasticity
  • Enhances sexual response

If you are experiencing one or more of the following, Labial puffing may be beneficial:

  • Wrinkled or sagging skin
  • Lost elasticity
  • Uneven size or shape
  • Personal confidence
  • Childbirth scarring

The O Shot

What is the O shot?

The O shot, or orgasm shot, is a cutting-edge vaginal rejuvenation and enhancement procedure for increasing lubrication and greater orgasms. It is a simple, painless and non-surgical procedure to natural sexual enhancement that uses your body’s own blood platelets in the form of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). The platelets naturally attract your own stem cells to the injected area, which then produces a healthier and more functional tissue in your vagina. The O shot procedure was invented by Dr. Charles Runels and has been clinically proven for nearly a decade, with thousands of patients around the world achieving enhanced sexual benefits. After receiving the O-Shot, you will discover an increase in your libido, plus the ability to have multiple and more intense passionate orgasms much faster.

What is the O shot Procedure?

The O shot treatment begins with one of our highly trained Nurse Practitoners numbing the area with an anesthetic cream. The Practitioner then takes your blood and spins it to concentrate the platelets into your PRP. The PRP is then injected into your clitoris and G-Spot in a quick, painless process with no downtime. The entire O-Shot procedure takes approximately 30 minutes with no recovery time necessary. Now you are ready for mind-blowing results!

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet Rich Plasma is derived when a sample of your blood is drawn, placed in a centrifuge, and spun down to concentrate and isolate the platelets. The platelets in your blood are rich in stem cells and growth factors that are essential to tissue regeneration and healing. By concentrating the platelets and re-injecting them into specific areas of the body, we are able to significantly increase your own body’s ability to regenerate tissue faster and in a more robust extent. PRP has been used effectively in joints, facial treatments, vaginal rejuvenation, the O shot, etc. to help increase blood flow and sensitivity, and build soft tissues such as connective tissues, collagen, etc. PRP is your own body’s youthful, healing formula.

What are the Benefits of the O-Shot?

The O shot produces numerous benefits due to the enhancement of blood flow to the clitoris and vaginal area and the improved sensation which can lead to easier and more intense orgasms. Other benefits include:

  • Increased libido
  • Increased arousal from both clitoral and vaginal stimulation
  • Increased lubrication
  • Stronger orgasms
  • More frequent orgasms
  • Heightened orgasm during sex or masturbation
  • improvement in urinary incontinence

At the O Med Spa, women’s sexual heath and optimization are our primary specialty. We want you to have the best O’s of your life, and we can help! Many women struggle to reach orgasm during sex, and now it doesn’t have to be that way.